Policies and Procedures
Code of Conduct
Locations and school timings of different sections of New Blown are available HERE. Students should attend school punctually; school gates are normally closed 10-15 minutes after the start time. When students come to school late, they are marked as late.
- Students attending school late on three (3) days in one week will be marked absent for one day.
- School gates may be closed 10-15 minutes after the school has started and students arriving after that time may not be allowed to enter and may be marked absent for that day.
- If a student is absent due to ill health a letter from the parents or guardian must be entered in the Diary on the first day the student attends after the absence. Please enter the number of days absent and the reason for the absence.
- In the case of Class XI & XII, if a student is absent for more than 2 days due to ill health, a letter along with the medical papers must be submitted to the Office on the first day the student attends after the absence.
- Prior permission must be taken from the Head of Section if the student is absent from school for reasons other than ill health.
- The school cannot be held responsible for any unauthorized absences especially when the student has not entered the school premises and has not been marked present.
- Any tests/exams missed during such absences cannot be taken unless specific permission has been obtained from the office in advance. The student may lose those marks from the total if permission is not taken in advance.
- Students with less than 80% attendance in a session will not be issued a Graduation Certificate or Certificate of Achievement (if applicable).
- Students should be collected from school by an authorized person only.
- Students will not be allowed to go home with friends or any other persons unless written permission has been sent from parents. Messages or requests on the telephone will not be accepted for this purpose.
- Once students arrive at school, they are expected to remain in the school premises for the entire school day. In case of sickness, students are advised not to attend school at all, and they can submit an application on the day they return to school. If any student falls sick during school hours, the school may send the student home.
- All students leaving school during school hours must have written approval from the Head of Section.
- Students who leave campus without permission are liable for punishment.
- Students may be detained after school to complete unfinished work or for any infringement of school rules. Parents will be notified about such detentions.
- The school is not responsible for any personal item belonging to students which is lost or stolen from the school premises.
- Articles left on campus will be picked up and kept with the school front office for three (3) weeks. After this time, lost and found items may be donated to charity.
- A standard replacement charge will have to be paid if any school property, book or science instrument is lost or damaged by a student.
- Guardians are advised not to send any edible items to school to celebrate birthdays or any other purpose as those will not be allowed inside the classroom.
- The parents, in the interest and welfare of the students are requested to inform the school in writing if there is a change in their marital status.
- The parent or guardian of the student undertakes to submit relevant legal documents evidencing legal custody and/or legal guardianship of the student at the time of admission or as and when applicable or required by the school.
- The school shall not be made a party to any court proceedings by the parents/guardians.
- The school shall not be responsible for any damage, injury or loss due to fire, earthquake, mob violence, attack from the air or any other major disturbance or reasons beyond the control of the school during the school period or within its own premises.
- The school shall in no way be liable for acts, deeds, defaults and negligence of it agents, contractors, suppliers, volunteers, workers and visitors and no liability of any nature shall be passed on to the school.
- The students and/or parents shall fully indemnify the school against all claims, losses and expenses that the school may incur (including the legal costs and expenses) due to any breach of the policies in the Student Parent Handbook, forms, papers and agreements signed between them, i.e. the students and/or parents, and/or any action or default by the students and/or parents and any other third person.